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Comparison of Similar Species

Regal Pond Cruiser vs Angle-winged Cruiser vs South China Cruiser vs Club-tailed Cruiser

Regal Pond Cruiser

1. Broad antehumeral stripes on synthorax

2. Apparent small yellow transverse stripes on the dorsum of the 8th abdominal segment in some individuals


Angle-winged Cruiser

1. Synthorax without antehumeral stripe

2. The 8th abdominal segment all black


South China Cruiser

1. Antehumeral stripes on synthorax, but thinner than those of Regal Pond Cruiser

2. Dorsum of the 8th abdominal segment without yellow spot


Club-tailed Cruiser

1. Antehumeral stripes on synthorax, but thinner than those of Regal Pond Cruiser

2. Two yellow spots on the dorsum and abdomen of the 8th abdominal segment respectively

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