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Mangrove Skimmer

Scientific name: Orthetrum poecilops poecilops

Habitat: mangrove

Body length: 45-54 mm

Distribution in Hong Kong: Mainly in mangroves in the New Territories and Lantau Island, e.g. Hong Kong Wetland Park, Tung Chung, Nam Chung

Flight period in Hong Kong: May to August

Similar species:  Common Blue Skimmer, Marsh Skimmer, Lesser Blue Skimmer (Comparison)

Identification features (male):

1. Alternating black and white stripes on frons

2. White stripe at two sides of synthorax

3. The 1st to 3rd abdominal segment swollen

4. Wingbases of hindwings without apparent colored spots

Identification features (female):

1. Synthorax and abdomen mainly yellow

2. More than two thin yellow stripes at two sides of synthorax

3. The 1st to 3rd abdominal segment swollen

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