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Eastern Lilysquatter

Scientific name: Paracercion melanotum

Habitat: pond, slow-flowing stream

Body length: 28-30 mm

Distribution in Hong Kong: Mainly in north New Territories, e.g. Hong Kong Wetland Park, Luk Keng, Lai Chi Wo; also recorded in Ngong Wo in Sai Kung

Flight period in Hong Kong: February to November

Similar species: Blue Sprite (Comparison)

Identification features (male): 

1. Postocular spot not connected with the transverse stripe on the vertex

2. Synthorax blue

3. Dorsum of the 2nd abdominal segment all black

4. The 8th to 10th abdominal segment mainly blue

5. Hourglass-shaped black spot at the dorsum of 10th abdominal segment

Identification features (female):

1. Synthorax and abdomen mainly yellowish brown

2. Disconnected thin black stripes at synthorax

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