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Crimson Dropwing

Scientific name: Trithemis aurora

Habitat: marsh, pond, stream

Body length: 33-35 mm

Distribution: Widespread, e.g. Hong Kong Wetland Park, Mui Wo, Cheung Chau, urban parks

Flight period in Hong Kong: throughout the year

Similar species: Indigo Dropwing (Comparison: female)

Identification features (male): 

1. Synthorax and abdomen purplish red

2. Wingbase reddish brown

3. Wing vein red

Identification features (female):

1. Synthorax and abdomen yellow, with black stripes

2. Pale stripe on dorsal carina and pale antehumeral stripe

3. Yellowish brown spot on wingbase

4. Black vertical stripes on dorsum and two sides of abdomen

5. Yellow spots on the 8th to 9th abdominal segment

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