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Indochinese Copperwing

Scientific name: Mnais Mneme

Habitat: lowland woodland stream

Body length: 48-57 mm

Distribution in Hong Kong: Mainly found in north and central New Territories, e.g. Bride’s Pool, Wu Kau Tang, Sha Lo Tung, Tai Po Kau

Flight period in Hong Kong: March to July

Identification features (male)(orange-winged morph):

1. Body mainly metallic brown

2. Synthorax and the 8th to 10th abdominal segment pruinose white in aged individuals

3. Wings orange

Identification features (male)(hyaline-winged morph)

1. Body mainly metallic green

2. The 8th to 10th abdominal segment pruinose white in aged individuals

3. Wings hyaline

Identification features (female)

1. Body mainly metallic brown or green 

2. Wings pale orange

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